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Announcing Additional Multi-Facility Tools

APSM is excited to announce some major updates to user permissions within the APSM Portal – especially helpful for multi company users and Contractors. In the past, users needed Plant Administrator permissions to access multiple Plants/Locations. Now normal users can be given access to multiple Plants/Locations without needing Plant Admin permissions.

Also, Administrators can now set specific permissions for users at different locations and users can be assigned SOP Training at multiple Plants/Locations (this used to be limited to their home plant).

  • Normal Users Access Multiple Plants/Locations
  • Users can be granted specific Permissions per Plant/Location
  • Users can be assigned SOP Training at multiple Plants/Locations
  • Users can take SOP Training for multiple Plants/Locations from Dashboard

Normal Users Access to Multiple Plants/Locations

Now, normal users that belong to multiple Plants/Locations can access and switch plants using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

  1. Select the drop-down menu at the top of the page and select one of the available locations.

Users can be granted specific Permissions per Plant/Location

Administrators can edit which Plants/Locations users can access by selecting the “Belongs to Plants/Locations” link within a user’s Edit Employee page. Administrators can also give users specific permission levels for each Plant/Location.
For example, if a user is an administrator for Plant A and you want to give them access to Plant B — but don’t want them to be able to delete anything in Plant B — you can assign them Normal User permissions for Plant B.

  1. Select the Belongs to Plants/Locations link
  2. Select the Plant/Location you want to give access to and change the Permission Type
  3. Select Save Changes.

Users can be assigned SOP Training at multiple Plants/Locations

Administrators can use the Belongs to Plants/Locations link to assign users an SOP Training Group per Plant/Location. Administrators can also make the SOP Training Group assignment using the specific plant’s SOP Training Administration Group Manager.
Users will appear on reports and count toward plant scorecards for any location they are assigned an SOP Training Group. A user’s dashboard will display SOP Training assignments for each affiliated Plant/Location.

Employee Edit Page

  1. Select the Belongs to Plants/Locations link.
  2. Select the Plant/Location you want to Assign SOP Training to and change the SOP Group
  3. Select Save Changes

SOP Training Administration > Group Manager Page

  1. Select Training, then Administration, then SOP Training Administration, then Group Manager.
  2. Select the Group from the list on the left you want to assign the User to and select the Add button next to the Employee

Users can take SOP Training for multiple Plants/Locations from Dashboard

Users can view and take their assigned SOP Training (for multiple Plants/Locations) in the Training section of the Dashboard. The grid now has a Plant/Location Column/Filter.
*Please note that if accessing Training thru the menu via Training > SOP Training, that is controlled by the Plant you are currently in.
